Oaxaca an Ethnic City Full of Arts and Crafts
Oaxaca city has everything for your home decor. You need to explore its little towns to find the best local stores full of color and amazing Mexican Arts & Crafts. Go and lost in its markets, narrow streets and squares where you will see magical Alebrijes, beautiful Barro Negro (Black Clay) and stonishing hand-woven textiles, for that and more we call it; Oaxaca an ethnic city full of arts and crafts.

Oaxaca City Arcrafts
San Martin Tilcajete is a small village, 20 minutes away from Oaxaca City, where you can find the famous Alebrijes (Fantastic creatures and animals representation that protect your dreams). These animals representations made out of wood are totally hand-creafted.
Textiles are also part of these amazing folk art that you can see everywhere, you just have to look at the women on the streets, their beautiful hand-woven clothes, those colorful rebozos and detailed crafted blouses and traditional huipiles (dresses). Many artisans get their inspiration from these traditional garments to create aweome pillows, table runner, table clothes and baskets that you can use to add a perfect ethnic accent. Rug weavers from Teotitlan del Valle are recognized nation-wide for the creation of wonderful rugs.
In San Bartolo Coyotepec you will find a special and unique work, black clay ceramic pieces that are one of a kind, original pieces that you can get for the embelishment of that special space at home. Barro Negro is made out of local clay the once is put on fire get that special color, not pigments or color added, the artisans pulish the pieces after the oven process and then you get those beautiful pots, jars, plates and pottery pieces.
This institucional video will show you the grandiosity of its arts and crafts, its people, food and culture.
Oaxaca is the region in Mexico with more ethnic groups and native lenguages, their food also is a sign of its great past. Each village has its own styles, designs and colors that reflect ancient traditions and culture. Those same aspects will reflect your house when you get pieces made by artisans from Oaxaca.